The Case Against the Paterno Birthers and Truthers

I wrote a column for The Philly Post Wednesday in which I reviewed “Framing Paterno,” a new mini-movie which argues that Joe Paterno did nothing wrong. In the film neither the director, John Ziegler, nor any of the people he interviews express the slightest bit of outrage or anger that numerous children were molested. It’s all about JoePa.

I’m generally content to let what I wrote speak for itself, but answers to a few questions I’ve gotten so far: I’ve reviewed hundreds of movies over the years, and never felt the need to call the director before writing my review, yes I read the Freeh Report, yes it contains “damning emails,” no, I was not as good a football player as Franco Harris, yet I’m confident that I’m right here and he’s wrong.

To those who contacted me, I quote George Orwell:”To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.”

I have donated the fee I was paid for writing the article to RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network), and I encourage others to support that worthy cause as well.

1 thought on “The Case Against the Paterno Birthers and Truthers

  1. Freddy

    I see Ziegler’s comment over on Philly Post. What a ridiculously comical comment by him. You think when Spielberg gets a bad reviews, he attacks the reviewer for not talking to him?

    Congrats on the good piece, and glad it got the attention it deserves.


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